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Neutering & Spaying

Spaying and neutering aids in population control, behaviour management, and lowering health risks.

Unless you plan to breed cat, it should be spayed to prevent pregnancy and unwanted kittens, or a male should be neutered to prevent undesirable sexual behaviour.

What is spaying or neutering?

A female cat should be spayed before she enters estrus which occurs at about 6 months of age. This procedure removes the ovaries and the uterus and leaves a small skin wound that heals quickly. A male cat should be castrated at six months. The testicles are removed, and normally there are no sutures and the cat heals quickly.

When should I neuter/spay my cat?

We can spay or neuter a cat at any age, however doing this procedure between 6-9 months of age prevents unwanted litters of kittens.

What is the procedure to spay/neuter a cat?

Your cat is admitted to our hospital on the morning of the day of the spay or neuter surgery. Our team of veterinarians, technicians and Animal Care Aides are all involved monitoring your cat while he/she is prepared for surgery, during surgery, and recovering from surgery. Once your cat’s surgery is complete they are kept warm and pain-free in their individual spaces until they are ready to go home. One of our technicians will provide a detailed home care sheet with instructions for care at home and contact numbers to call if any questions or concerns arise.

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