Skin Care

Diagnosis and treatment of skin-related conditions that can cause discomfort, pain, and illness.

Skin is the largest organ in the body and should not be ignored. Skin issues can lead to systemic infections and general illness for the animal. They can also be a symptom of another disease.

What are the causes, symptoms & diagnosis of bacterial skin infections?

Skin issues can be caused by allergies (food or environmental) contact irritation, immune diseases endocrine disease, fungal disease or parasites. Symptoms such as hair loss, itching, sores, and or scabbing, bad odour should be brought to the attention of your veterinarian for a complete diagnosis.

What are the causes, symptoms and treatment for ringworms?

Contact with an infected animal or environment can cause transfer of ringworm. Symptoms noticed are hair loss, itching, crusting and scabbing often in a ring shape on the skin. Treatment can consist of topical preparations and or oral medications depending on the severity of the infections.

What are the causes and treatment of allergic skin diseases?

Allergies to either food ingredients or the environment (plants, mites, fleas etc.) treatment can include antibiotics for underlying infection, antifungal if the yeast is present, and medication to inhibit itching.

What are the causes and treatment of parasitic skin diseases?

Fleas and tick (ectoparasites) can all cause skin issues. Treatment with antiparasitic can rectify the problem, but prevention is always best. Especially when living in an endemic area, especially for fleas.

What are the causes and treatment of hormonal skin diseases?

An underlying metabolic disease like thyroid can manifest as a skin issue. If the veterinarian is concerned, they can diagnosis with bloodwork and start the appropriate treatment.

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