Fleas and Ticks

Fleas and ticks bring discomfort and disease, highlighting the need for consistent prevention.

Fleas and ticks can carry and either directly or indirectly transmit several potential illnesses to humans, as well as cause disease in your dog. External parasites may be less prevalent outside during certain times of the year, however, they often survive in the house during the winter months. creating an uninterrupted life cycle.

How can I tell if my dog has fleas or ticks?

If your dog is scratching that is a good indicator of fleas. You may or may not see fleas and ticks on your pet as they jump on to feed and then jump off. Other indicators of fleas are black specks in the hair coat (flea feces) or white specks (flea eggs). Ticks that have had a blood meal become engorged and are easier to see.

How can I prevent fleas and ticks on my dog?

Ask your veterinarian about effective year-round preventative control measures for fleas & ticks.

What are the treatment options for dogs who have ticks?

There are chewable tablets, and topical administrations available for tick control. There is also a vaccine available for the prevention of Lyme disease which is transmitted by ticks. Please consult with your veterinarian who can make the best recommendation for your pet.

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