X-ray and Ultrasound

Non-invasive diagnostic tools used to identify internal issues and provide targeted medical care.

At Mill Bay Veterinary Hospital our team of Veterinarians have digital radiography and ultrasound at their fingertips. We also have access to a Board-Certified Radiologist for our patient’s benefit that can be utilized 7 days a week.

How do you use x-ray and radiology services at your clinic?

We use our imaging equipment for many different things, from fractures and foreign bodies to masses and pregnancy checks, our imaging department is a vital tool in helping to confirm or rule out a diagnosis in your pet. Evaluation of orthopedics in breeding animals is of great service to our reproduction clients, which in turn is passed on to the production of conformationally correct puppies.

How should I prepare my dog for their x-ray appointment?

Most of the time you don’t need to do anything to prepare your pet for their x-ray appointment, but if it is the abdomen that we are x-raying in some cases it is helpful if you let your pet relieve themselves beforehand. This is because a colon full of stool may block our view of something else in the abdomen.

How much does a dog x-ray exam cost?

The cost of radiographs covers the taking of the radiograph and also the interpretation. If your pet needs to be sedated there is an additional cost for the sedative. Please call for prices.

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