Dr. Jill Keogan First Week as a Vet

Recently, we have had a new veterinarian join us at Mill Bay Veterinary Hospital. Dr. Jill Keogan came into our office a month ago to start her career as a veterinarian! She greeted us warmly and walked comfortably through the clinic, as Tamsin our office manager, showed her around. After her first week at work, we had a little chat in her exam room, and she explained how that went for her.

Monday, her first day at work happened to be her birthday! Monday’s can be the busiest day of the week at our veterinary hospital. Jill began to shadow Dr. Clare Tompkins, as she treated injuries, vaccinated puppies, and diagnosed illness. It wasn’t until Tuesday, that the staff became aware of Jill’s recent special day, so all shared a celebratory birthday cake and happy birthday song.

Her first week was a busy one! She spent a morning in surgery, spaying cats, and worked hard to help a dog that may have ingested rat poison. Fluffy has been in since that day for several re-checks and is doing very well. Heavy medical textbooks stayed beside her computer, so she could work to solve medical concerns. Her goals are to learn more about dentistry, ultrasound and continue to build relationships with clients.

The first week at any job is difficult, as you find a routine the bathroom, meet co-workers (and remember all of their names) and Jill nailed it! She worked hard alongside her co-workers and helped clients and their pets with compassion and confidence, making her first week on the job look easy. Welcome to Mill Bay Veterinary Hospital, Jill!