The World of a Vet Student: Sio Nanni

The staff at Mill Bay Veterinary Hospital have seen many veterinary students come to our hospital to experience veterinary medicine first hand.

Practicums, as they are called, vary from a few days to a couple of months, where the student is immersed in the field of either large animal or small animal medicine. Having a veterinary student (or two) in the hospital is great for all staff members, as they can share their knowledge about newer procedures they have seen in veterinary school and are generally comfortable assisting with the animals. Having an extra pair of hands available can sure make a difficult procedure easier with the less than compliant animals. Dr. Leo (one of our large animal veterinarians who has been working at Mill Bay Veterinary Hospital for 25 years) spends a lot of his time driving from one farm to another and having a student in the truck with him creates lively discussions about interesting cases.

Recently, we have had the pleasure of working with Sio Nanni, a fourth-year Doctor of Veterinary Medicine student studying at the University of Melbourne in Australia. Sio is no stranger to the area, as he is from Victoria and plans to return to Vancouver Island when his education is complete. He will be returning to Melbourne in November to finish his last semester and graduate, becoming Dr. Sio Nanni, DVM.

These pictures were taken at a local dairy farm where Sio was being taught the techniques in treating a sore foot on a cow and applying a wooden block to keep it comfortable and mobile.

Written by Meghan Seal, Inventory Specialist/Senior Receptionist