Camping With Pets, What You Need to Know

We have all been to that tiny convenience store, paying an outrageous amount for a bag of marshmallows while camping because that is the one thing you forgot, and well, camping isn’t complete without making smores. It is a bit more difficult when we forget something our pet needs. Like medications or that special diet, he has to be on so he doesn’t scratch his skin raw while you sleep at night.

Here are a few things to consider when camping with your pet.

The heat – When temperatures rise on Vancouver Island, we must try to keep our furry friends (and ourselves) as comfortable as possible. Keep fresh water available and make sure there is shade available for them is important.

Does your dog love to fetch? They might not know when to stop, so keeping high energy activities minimal in the middle of the day when it is the hottest is best for them. Try an early morning hike or checking out that new walking path after dinner when the day’s temperature has decreased.

Leash up – Many dogs are accustomed to accompanying their owners off-leash and are well behaved, but be respectful to those dogs that are not able to be off-leash, and campers that don’t have pets with them. Keep a leash with you if you are strolling those long beautiful beaches, or out for your evening stroll around the campground. Also, keep in mind, having a name tag on your dog with your phone number is beneficial if he or she decides to go on a walkabout at the campsite.

Essentials – Be sure to call ahead (250-743-3223) and order your pet’s medications a few days before you load up and head out. It takes at least 24 hours for our reception team to refill your pet’s medications. Is your pet on a specific diet? The diets that we carry are only available to purchase at a vet clinic. Make sure you have plenty to take with you, or you may have to make a few phone calls to find out which other clinics in the area that you are camping carry Royal Canine Hypoallergenic HP! If you camp with an RV or travel trailer, it may be a good idea to purchase a few cans or small bag to keep in your trailer for the camping season. Makes for one less thing to forget!

Also – Checking to make sure that the campground of your families choice allows dogs. There may be restrictions for private campsites. Provincial campgrounds do allow dogs but ask that they stay leashed.

Hopefully, you and your family will be able to check out a campground this summer!